Researchers searching for a yeast strain with a particular property or activity often have no other option but to purchase or isolate large numbers of strains themselves. This costly and time-consuming step can be avoided by utilizing the contract screening service offered by the Phaff Yeast Culture Collection.
In recent years, over 1,000 yeast strains have been screened for a number of industrially or biologically important properties, including the presence of a particular enzyme or enzyme family, pigment, or ability to grow under restrictive conditions. Screening protocols performed at the Phaff collection range from simple plate or colorimetric assays for enzymatic activity, to PCR screening for a particular gene utilizing primers supplies by the customer. Our growing bank of genomic DNA preparations currently contains over 700 strains, including over 300 different yeast species, and can be screened in-house for the presence of a particular gene of interest.
Contact culture collection personnel for details of screening policies and assay conditions available.